Ok, so all the installations are over after a bit of a hassle while installing EUROPA-pso, except that all the installations like Pytango and pyEUROPA went well.
Since i had to face a lot of problem installing EUROPA on a 64 bit ubuntu 14.10 machine, i have decided to write stepwise procedure of installing it so that if required it could be done again.
These steps has to be followed in specific order for successful installation or its almost inevitable to get some weird java errors.
Now let us get the necessary packages to install libantlr3c.
cd ~/plasma.ThirdParty
Install ANTLR-C
The above commands are for 64 bit machines.
for 32 bit machines remove --enable-64bit flag.
Installing EUROPA.
Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc at the end.
cd ~/Light
The Gui should appear for EUROPA.
If all the steps a correctly followed it should work.
ANTLR-C installation
Europa Installation.
Quick start
Apart from this i have been able to successfully run the Rover example from europa which is to be modified according to the further needs of the Italian mars society.
Since i had to face a lot of problem installing EUROPA on a 64 bit ubuntu 14.10 machine, i have decided to write stepwise procedure of installing it so that if required it could be done again.
These steps has to be followed in specific order for successful installation or its almost inevitable to get some weird java errors.
- JDK-- sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
- ANT-- sudo apt-get install ant
- Python -- sudo apt-get install python
- subversion-- sudo apt-get install subversion
- wget -- sudo apt-get install wget
- SWIG sudo apt-get install swig
- libantlr3c
- unzip sudo apt-get install unzip
Now let us get the necessary packages to install libantlr3c.
svn co http://europa-pso.googlecode.com/svn/ThirdParty/trunk plasma.ThirdParty
Get Europa.
wget https://europa-pso.googlecode.com/files/europa-2.6-linux64.zip
cd ~/plasma.ThirdParty
Install ANTLR-C
First, unzip libantlr3c-3.1.3.tar.bz2.
cd plasma.ThirdParty/libantlr3c-3.1.3
> ./configure --enable-64bit ; make> sudo make install
The above commands are for 64 bit machines.
for 32 bit machines remove --enable-64bit flag.
Installing EUROPA.
mkdir ~/europa
cd ~/europaunzip ~/tmp/europa-2.1.2-linux.zip export EUROPA_HOME=~/europaexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$EUROPA_HOME/lib
Add the following lines to ~/.bashrc at the end.
$EUROPA_HOME/bin/makeproject Light ~
cp $EUROPA_HOME/examples/Light/*.nddl ~/Light
cp $EUROPA_HOME/examples/Light/*.bsh ~/Light
If the install was successful.cd ~/Light
The Gui should appear for EUROPA.
If all the steps a correctly followed it should work.
ANTLR-C installation
Europa Installation.
Quick start
Apart from this i have been able to successfully run the Rover example from europa which is to be modified according to the further needs of the Italian mars society.